A poem on poems

It could be the manner of a moment
Or may be the word of life greatest
I do write one just on the clouds
They did prophesize Geeta in words poetic

Playwright could extract a pound flesh
Novelist great might wring Great Expectations
Story we read of Magi’s gift most beautiful
Great, nonetheless, were just the tales of us

Shruti, the treasure of hindus
Illiad, Odyssey, identity of civilisations
Dante and divine beginning
Chaucher the father with canterburry

Nobel 29% only gained for poetry
Story of literature, but never else began
Its a poem that gives you wings
Mankind’s divine tool to concieve

Burden rich of character development
Pressure of finding ending binding
The hook to move to Act next
Novel, Story, or in a Play mighty

Flight of poem needed no hook
For No One is a poem best told
For No way is a poem’s best way
For a poem may not tell you all
For a poem will vary its layers
The tale of a poem can never be told
For a poem is the one only ‘you’ live

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