Beyond : Tagore

Wither not ye weary traveller of post modern
The tomes of past you knew
The shoulders you stood upon
For they, lights shining of their age
The story none told beyond him
The clarion call to “ekla cholo”
When none listens to “tor daak”

O ye weary traveller of post modern
The walk you began alone
His Metered verse shrouding you
As you reminisce journey alone
The walk solo you see nowhere
Not just the ekla walk you took
A long and Winding Road you took with few

Well ye weary traveller of post modern
You to have the strength
To start The Long Walk alone
Shall forever be the gift of bard
Its your journey that teaches
The courses to take
And folks to tag along

Now ye weary traveller of post modern
A journey can start alone
Voyage none ended alone
What you never knew
In those darkest nights
For every rock moved
You open a new light

But ye weary traveller of post modern
The journey was never done
None has yet finished the trail
Your tale can’t be his
Its the journey of you
For you, the one who shall go, Beyond…

Admiring Wrong people

While I was growing up, I had read / listened a quote, quite a few times. I am not sure about the origins of the quote, a part of my brain says, it could have been the gyaan doled out by Gautam Buddha, other part says, it’s a basic tenet of Hindu Religion, while the other part of my brain says, it could have been just a general quote uttered by some unknown person, in some unknown text at some unknown time which has persevered through some pages of history. The quote says a very simple thing
“Hate the wrong, not the wrong-doer” or to say in hindi
“घ्रणा पाप से करो पापी से नहीं  “
Many years from then, I have no interest/affinity left for religions, hinduism or buddhism, but this one line has always stayed with me. One of the things I like to abide by in my life.

This, whole background, can be understood as continuation of my earlier post. The reason I can’t hate Hitler, the reason I can’t hate Godse, the reason I can’t hate Saddam or Osama. I will until the day of my death condemn the actions of these man and will argue for long hours with someone who doesn’t consider  these men’s actions wrong, or who appreciates/support their actions (again, not all actions, but my reader would be sufficiently intelligent and aware to decipher which actions I am talking of).

Yet, leave aside Hitler (who I have always been appreciative of in some sense). You ask me to hate the person Osama or you ask me to perhaps kill such a person if they are under my power (which would be a very fitting solution in eyes of many). I shall pull my hands back and strongly disagree with you.  Although I might not have problem with a court of law awarding them death penalty, as it the duty of the court to punish the guilty for their actions.This is one of the points of meeting of my mathematical/scientific philosophies and the humanitarian/historical ideas. I have always been a strong believer in the concept of duality, which in my opinion is one of the very basic fundamentals this universe/existence is based on.

Applying that scientific funda to humans/history is where I (just for myself) exonerate these wrong people from eternal hatred on my side. I consider a person and his actions as the two components of a single unit, which although can’t be separated from each other and shall always define each other. But, it is always possible to analyse the two different components of that unit individually which is, where you will find the support for all these ‘individuals’. Because leaving aside the actions of these people, they are humans, who have some ideas (talking about the ones different from their actions), who have done some deeds, who have achieved something in their life. Who might have been a success, who might have been examples to the future generations to achieve (preferably something else) in their lives.

All these arguments might seem fantasy words to the people who have suffered at the hands of such tyrants, and they have my heart-felt apologies. I will always like to such criminals meted out their deserved punishments. But I, myself would like to follow this funda of not overlooking the good/impressive qualities these ‘Wrong people’ have! Some people hate Nehru for the division of India, the loss of POK and many such things, some people might kill Jinnah for his actions which were instrumental in the partition of India, which resulted in such a horrendous blood bath and separated brothers on either side of the border.

And, as long as I have the belief in the concept of duality, I can always be found admiring a Gandhi, a Hitler, an Osama (perhaps, haven’t found anything very impressive in him yet) and mentioning them all in one single line with some respect, some disregard, some curiosity.


PS : Politically incorrect and possibly offensive post.

Perhaps the only word which can garner more eyeballs and ear drums than sex is religion. Religion and Sex, if you ask me to come up with the most famous things in the world then it would be these two, and yet these two words are at different ends of the horizon . The perception of these two is completely different. One is a taboo, other is one who hear about all your life.

Coming to the main topic behind this post, what is religion??

Almost all of us believe religion to be a truth about which you generally dont argue much. Its there to be taken and you are not supposed to be questioning the things, you can question things about religion but you cant question religion in itself. You can always raise questions about the existence of Ram as an individual who was supposedly an incarnation of Lord Vishnu on earth but you dont question the thing called Hinduism (or Islam/Christianity) for that matter.

From what I can make out of religion is, its a set of rules and conditions which are laid down by some great intellectuals and you are supposed to follow/pay heed to them, which in fact could be a very nice funda if not distorted which almost always is the case even with religions like Jainism & Buddhism which were born against such practices. The only problem which I see creeping in religion is, instead of these things being the Directive Principles of living, people are making them rules written on stone, some lines which cant be crossed.

If I had to classify myself, I would neither be an atheist nor a believer in religion. I am a guy who reads Hanuman Chalisa in the morning and yet who doesnt have any problem if a cigarette packet is lying above the Hanuman Chalisa. I have relied on gayatri mantra since my young age to help me  when I had a nightmare. I voluntarily TRY not to eat non-veg on Tuesdays, and yet if I have to, then I have to, which is where my conflict with religion starts. Why the hell should I NOT have non-veg on Tuesday, i started believing in the concept because that is what I got from my parents and this has somehow stuck to me. Although I sincerely detest if I am forced to do this.

I have utmost respect for Geeta because its a source of great knowledge  and wisdom.

Similarly I respect Ramayana and Mahabharata as Great works but I would put them along with Divine Comedy, Iliad and Odyssey (none of which I have read and neither plan to do so) as great works of literature. I am not even sure about the existence of Ram or Krishna which stops me from considering these books any different from any other form of literature.

Similar is the case with Christianity, why should I start considering a guy who was hanged at the altar and did some acts of , as the son of God? He was a great icon, perhaps the biggest name in the world! But cant  Jesus’s influence  be compared to Gandhi’s to an extent ? Gandhi gave the policy of Ahimsa to Indians which helped them tolerate the English (and finally drive them away)..  Jesus’s contribution was Christianity which helped the people in his time.

Yet, I am not against the concept of something like God, I definitely believe there is something governing the world, it could be a God, it could laws of nature, there in something running the world but I am still not ready to believe that it is your all powerful God, even though I still pray to God when I am in trouble or thank Him when I am happy coz this is inbibed in me because of all these years of training by people around me and I guess I will keep doing the same all my life because after all everybody is afraid of troubles and tries to stay away from them and God gives us some sort of hope that he will keep or steer us away when we are troubled. 🙂

Btw just got to know that I complete 4 years blogging. Completed 4 years on 18th 🙂 the same day my bike completed a month 😀 Could read my first post HERE (wasn’t too happy with the college then :P)


PS: With all regards to my dear Frustoo friends and those who consider me frustoo, pls look at it from another angle 🙂

“Naked” a word which implies lust,desire, beauty as well as Disgust, Shame, violation. At the same time you associate nakedness with the poor and the down trodden while even the richest of people, the models and the actors would be the first to come in your mind when you hear the word. That is why I havent ever been able to classify the word “Naked”, this is not a taboo word, and yet somehow you are not expected to talk about incidents which involve The Word in front of elders.

Humans are the only living thing, which require the use of clothing. All animals are Naked and yet even they are surviving quite well and even we the humans changed to these cloth cladding animals from a state of being perpetually naked. I am in awe of the incidents which might have brought about this radical change in the lifestyle of humans, that now being naked is the state in which I feel uncomfortable while if my body is covered upto a certain extend, then I feel more comfortable.

Although seeing a person Naked could be gross or sexy (depending on the gender of the parties involved)  but still I personally would feel very uncomfortable in a naked world either its about me being naked or seeing other people naked. Even now most of the people around complain about being made to see the butt crack of someone else.

But my question is why and how did this world become clothed. And which one is our natural habitat now. The one which was actually natural or the one which we have made natural using our own efforts.

Any thoughts?


Another poem.. Yeah!! 🙂 If you want to crack my skull at this sudden outburst of poems then there is a guy named Sushant who you should blame, the guy asked me “Kabhi kabhi ladkiyon aur sex ko chhodke poems bhi likh liya karo” So here I am with another one

yesterday I met misery, the old wench
she told me about her plight
everybody in this world thinks of her as a wretch
nobody wants to hold her tight

complaining about the way people ignore her
nobody wants to appreciate the gloom
Never is she invited when they meet to confer
all the people consider her as their doom

everybody goes after the proud and vain happiness
happiness stays with you only in the time of joy
nobody appreciates the company she provides in sadness
one sign of difficulty and its time for happiness to fly

darkness of night is always praised and loved
sunshine is no comparison to the beautiful darkness
Can’t  somebody embrace this sorry maid
Provide her the much needed solace???

Song of the Day:- White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane

PS1:- Downloading & listening the top 100 songs of the Rolling Stones Magazine list which you can find here
PS2:- Quite a short post again.. 🙂
PS3:- Thats it for now…. no more PSes today!!!

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Every freaking body who is reading this post must be aware of the meaning of this much famed word which was come into much use specially with the use of mobile phones, web – cams & digi cams, but  I am not going to write on the usual meaning of the word and though my usage of the word is wrong but hell who cares instead  What I wanna write about is voyeurism of a different kind(if I can classify it in this category)this is about peeping into the life and thoughts of a person.

I think it must be the most painful thing for any individual to know that a person knows the thoughts which you have in your head, I feel this must be the worst infringement (atleast this is what I feel).

And at some level everybody is voyeur in this sense of the word, each and everyone is more than just concerned in whats going on with others and their lives, almost everybody loves to gossip and the desire to get into other’s minds and know their secrets must have been the real cause behind the games like Truth or Dare, sure its for fun at times but the basic motive behind this game can be none other than the aforementioned one.

On the personal front, I think that a person getting to know whats going on in my mind and things about my personal life is much much worse than suppose a MMS of me is released 😀 (though I would be glad to see who would be interested in seeing me in my birthday suit 😛 ) and I think generally the guys will be thinking the same way but I am wondering what would the reaction of the fairer sex  be ?? ( I am counting on you anonymousindiangirl for this answer coz as you can see there aren’t many female commentors on my blog.. Hope you haven’t forgotten my blog link)

Song of the day: – Let ‘em In by Paul McCartney, CrackerBox Palace by George Harrison & No No Song by Ringo Starr (For the first time I have 3 songs of the day, have had 2 songs a few times ) and these are by 3 of the Fab Four (Beatles! For ye ignorant fellas)

PS1:- Got so much to write on but lethargy has taken over me coupled with work!! 😦
PS2:- 2 days back, a friend of mine asked me the name of the last coloured movie I had seen and to my amazement I can’t seem to rmr seeing any coloured movie for the last 2 months, I think!!
PS3:- That’s it… One of my small posts. I rarely write so less on any topic, whatever it be and this had the potential to develop into a long one but as I mentioned before.. Lethargy my friends..
PS4:- This is a reply to ur comment on the last post.. hope this title is appealing to you.. 🙂
PS5:- Btw for your info guys.. Paul McCartney (of Beatles) is the most successful song writer with 29 No.1 hits to his credit!! 😀

System Time of Posting : 4:53 AM 5/31/2008

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A year closer to Death

For a student, the years of life don’t pass by with the birthdays but with the passing of each academic session, this is the indication that now you have passed one hurdle in the life and you are one year more mature, having a year of life and study in your kitty. Browsing through my archive, I realized to my amazement that I haven’t written any year ending posts yet so this can is beginning of sorts for me , only thing which comes close to this is the semester ending post which I wrote at the end of 3rd semester which seems like quite some time now, one and half year to be exact (almost). I had planned on writing one more post before this one but Wonder Years always has that strange melancholic and nostalgic effect on me, so I am left with no option but to write this post.

If I say that this has been the most eventful year of my life then it might not be a fallacy altogether. This has been a year of highs (literal and metaphorical) , lows, success, failure, happiness, hurt, finding new friends, rekindling friendship with some, deteriorating relationships with some. I think I have seen it all this year.

One of the biggest event this year was undoubtedly Felicity, 2008, it will sure be a memory of a lifetime.

Had many career issues had to decide on the path to chart after I am done with my B. Tech, started off the year garnering ambitions of a MS, which changed to thinking about MBA and finally now deciding upon job (lazy ass that I am, kaun padhe yaar)

Had one of the best and worst times which I could have with a friend.

Had one of the most painful time and it did hurt and the happiness on the ending of that phase was just exemplary to say the least.

Had the leisure of having two homes in the city where I don’t have any LGs and the pleasure to go there and have a ball while eating good homely food.

Had the good luck of my sister coming to Hyderabad for a job, making 1 out of the 2 homes I mentioned above.

Had the displeasure of trying to handle politicians in the college and realizing that there are very few people you can trust.

Had the realization that somehow I get all too senti about people and things even if they don’t mean that much to me and go overboard in praising them, should try to control this trait in future..

Had 2 road accidents this year, the most for any year till now. 😛

Had 3 of the most beautiful accidents (not sure I can call them accidents) of my life 🙂

Went to quite different levels in some things which need not discussed here.

One of the highlight of this year was me discovering the music of Beatles, a thing I am sure is gonna influence my whole life, I just cant seem to get enough of them.

I am pretty sure that a few years down the line, I am gonna remember this year as one of the most important in my life and a turning point in many things for me. A few many know, few are known to a select few and some might die with me. This has been a year of a lot of firsts for me and except the points mentioned above, I am sure there is not going to be a recollection of my past in my future which will not consist of this present (this year). I am not sure if I can classify this as a happy year or a time of misfortune for me (there has been a bounty of both), rather classify this as mélange which is the case with the life of all of us but I am thankful for all the experiences I had this year, whether they have been good or bad but they have taught me a lot.

One thing more is passing 3rd year makes you feel all grown up as you are now in the final year of your college and ready to step in the big bad world. Ready to face the real music and test the success or failure of the years of preparation you have been doing for this stage of your life.

All in all, a year to cherish consisting of tears and laughters galore, sometimes even tears of happiness and at other times laughter in the face of adversity and heartbreak. Just getting a taste of life and though I lost a few very precious things which never could be mine but still I am loving it.

Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai…

Song of the Day: – Yellow Submarine in Pepperland by Beatles

PS1:- Sorry guys for not replying to your comments.. Am too lazy these days.. 😦
PS2:- Will be departing for home in about 48 hours.
PS3:- Intern of almost all the people of our batch started. Moi will get almost a month free.
PS4:- Am addicted to the blog of this dame since yest night.. Must read, you guys(& gals too) !! On my part, must have read more than 50 posts I guess..
PS5:- Please, please, please even if you are amongst my best friends even then don’t ask me about the things written in here, if it was worth telling then I have told you and you can connect the things.
PS6:-This makes it 5 posts in half a month (equals my maxm blogging frequency) and the last post for about a month, will be back to Hyderabad on 9th May.
PS7:- Thinking of writing another post of my girl series making it a trilogy, will do it after coming back I guess.. meanwhile if you want you can check the 2 posts here and here.
PS8:- Well the title and the content of this post dont match much but both are true.
PS9:- I know some of you might be cursing after reading the title and the post.. He he 🙂
PS10:- SA seem to be the only team which troubles India in our own den, they are the best touring team to India without any doubts. Even Aus with their all conquering record falters here
PS11:- Bbye, tata, ciao, sayonara, conge bloggin and you guys for sometime.

Time of Posting – 5:37 AM 4/15/2008

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Whatever Happens.. Happens for good

We have oft heard this phrase being said, sometimes to console us in times of grief and some other times from the mouth of others but its rare that we realize the value of this line when it is needed the most, that is, just after some unfavourable thing has happened to us and our immediate obvious reaction is that we start blaming each and every thing which we can somehow associate with our failure and it all starts with complaining to the God but somehow we don’t realize that in the larger scheme of things, things aren’t supposed to stay bad forever and somehow a thing which has turned sour today will surely yield some good thing in future.

Somehow these days I have started believing in this philosophy, a thing which is not favourable for you now will surely yield results which you will appreciate in the future and thank the God for making you fail in the endeavour even when it was not any fault of yours. I have seen this happening quite a few times to me and now I try to find a silver lining in every dark cloud I encounter in my life, it was, is & never will be easy ever in life and you are bound to end up frustrated but next time anything bad happens to you and it is something which was not in your power and you couldn’t have controlled it whatever you did, then just look up and try to see the silver lining and I am sure, you are bound to find one. The things are not supposed to be bad all the time and one thing is sure to lead to some other thing which you are bound to enjoy later.

Song of the Day: – Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side by Bob Marley

PS1:- Finally I am listening to Bob Marley.. 🙂 As you can see
PS2:- Requiem for Dream, a must watch.. Such an intense movie.. :O
PS3:- Finally started with my NLP App course project today

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Learning Process

Somehow, I think my shelf life is over when it comes to study. I don’t think that I can study further now, atleast not the mundane way the studies go in the college. Today I went to the class with firm determination of studying, I had a notebook and a pen in my hand and didn’t have any novel or any such distracting thing in my hand which could distract me from concentrating in the class but somehow after some time, I just couldn’t listen to my Professor whom I used to listen to with rapt attention when he used to teach us in 4th semester.

I sincerely don’t have any idea why engineering is kept a 4 year course in IIIT. We have already finished al our compulsory courses by the 5th semester and now it all just seems like a futile exercise. Why can’t we have the concept of internships or projects like they have in BITS. Instead what you are left to do is a bunch of bullshit courses which come under the category of Open Electives or HSSM courses which require nothing save mugging at the 11th hour and almost always are never gonna help you much in your future life , Come on how can a subject like Crop Rotation help me?? And I know much more about Indian Culture then which is taught in some crap course, name of which I don’t remember. Waise I havn’t taken any of these two courses.. 🙂

I don’t know whether my attention span has decreased because I am bored with studies in general or is it because of the things which are being taught to me. This may sound very clichéd because each and everybody complains about the same thing. Thing is I have always been a listener all my life, I have always secured good marks throughout my career but never studied anything at home, a day before exams I always used to think that I am gonna flunk but come the day of exam and answers automatically struck me, I didn’t have to work much and that was all coz I listened to the teacher. Nowadays this never happens, the case is always that I am sitting in my exam cursing myself that I cant remember that bloody thing which I studied last night.

It is quite possible that I am acting cynically, it might not actually be as gory as I am putting it. May be I need to put in some effort in studies but then the thing is I never needed to put in effort in studying my life. Even subjects like Bio & Geography which I used to detest somehow always seemed to fit in my brain and I never had problems listening to teachers. Even though I used to do time-pass with my friends in class, I could remember the things without much effort which surely is not the case now.

People say that studying is hard work and perspiration . I beg to differ, in my opinion learning can never be the result of hard work. Learning is the process of absorbing things in your mind which should be as phenomenon as effortless and simple as water being absorbed by any cloth. Hard work part should come when you want to excel and achieve expertise in any field. The basic process of learning should just be a seamless transition from one state of not knowing something to another state of knowing that thing, just as we become aware of our surroundings similarly studies should be the same thing , not something which you learn by force and pressure.

Hope somebody else too subscribes to my line of thinking.. Not just about not being able to study any more but about the process of learning.

Song of the Day:- Khwabon se nikal ke from Rama Rama Kya Hai by Alisha Chinai

PS1:- BTP Report submission tomorrow
PS2:- I haven’t met my advisor since last BTP Viva : ( I am gonna be screwed! Somebody do something about my lethargy!! 😦
PS3:- There are a lot of things going on right now.. What the hell man!!
PS4:- This post was written during a NLPA class which I was so determined to concentrate
PS5:- Three cheers to UG2K4 people for organizing these seminars a very noble incentive by you. Thanx a lot people… Cheers!!
PS6:- Somehow I seem to have forgotten the art of writing large no. of PSes and writing poetry and shers.. These things don’t come to my mind nowadays.. So strange it is.
PS7:- Almost two weeks of stay for UG4 guys before the exams start!! Will miss you guys, Will be strange not to see the faces you have been seeing for the last 3 years.
PS8:- Koi meri intern laga do!! 😛
PS9:- Now that I have reached 9, I will finish 10 PSes 😀
PS10:-These days many people of older generation are coming on Orkut.. Next post most probably will be on it. 😀

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A day changes your life.. your existence

You are all alone in a strange and deserted place and the last rays of hope in the form of sunlight is dwindling fast and the darkness which is ensuing is not which can be pierced with the rays of the sun which will come on a new morning to make you life again filled with sunshine. It is just a all pervading darkness starting with engulfing your senses in the dark and then it just keeps moving from there and makes you lose each and everything you have. The happiness inside you is lost and an excess of pain, fear and hurt is there which can go on for as long as you live. The paucity of happiness can just seem an understatement.

All the happiness inside of you can be drawn out in an instant, a mistake you commit can be the source of constant pain and loneliness for the centuries to which your life less life will continue to subsist without any moments of pleasure. The outcome of a single thing can be everything in your life.

Each and every sinew in your body can be crying in pain and exhaustion though the only pain you have is in your mind and your body is just experiencing hours of rest, with the mind doing all the work. The feelings of your mind affect the condition of each and every muscle in your body, the pain when divided over each and every part of your body instead of decreasing just increases multi-folds. A searing pain flowing through your veins in place of blood which you used to have.

The discovery that pain can be so bloody painful is just a new lesson you can learn once in a while. You would never think that one action of yours can be an agent of such a big change in your life. A life can be overturned in just one event. You can be left to contemplate the effects of a thing.

But somehow you feel the justice is done, may be the end should have been this way. May be things had to be this way for something more important and more powerful than you to stay. The reason you are far far away from every body and everything is because you don’t deserve to be near anything which can give you pleasure, the share of happiness of your life has been lost in one stroke. Some things can be just unpardonable in the scheme of things.

With all the things you can be just left to wonder whether there can be things more painful, can loneliness be more scathing. You can get numb after some time but is the stage too easy to reach wont you break down into pieces before the pain ceases to affect you. Is it the norm of the world to experience pain sans bounds, do you have to do it once in your lifetime to pass the test of being a human.

Or is there another solution, only thing which can be said is that things can sometimes be over hyped may be the pain is just another time of those countless times you have been hurt and somehow you just cant help but feel sorry for you and magnifying the pain… but then how do you explain the pain in each and every muscle, every part asking for rest and rest when provided seems to just ease you more into the thoughts thereby increasing the pain more and more.

Can you be this wrong, this immature, this foolish that you blow off everything just with a simple twitch, can things so important be holed down by so small actions or do actions sometimes outgrow the person who acts them out. A simple action can just blow away the life like leaves being blown away by a strong burst. Dont know who has the answers, not me for sure.

Had to blurt it out but am not in condition to talk it out so here is the solution.

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